Based on a true story, a true incident...this is the story of Venkatesh and Sujata who challenged medical science. Suffering from the irreversible and fatal DMD (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) Venkatesh was meant to lead a sickly worthless life and die at the age of 16, but his zest for life, his determination and soaring human spirit surprised medical science and he achieved accolades which many of us don’t achieve in an entire lifetime. By the time he breathed his last, out of his own will, at the age of 24 he was a “hero”. Wanting to donate his organs before he left the world, the ever smiling Venkatesh, in his last 15 days challenged the state, the law of the country and earned his place in the hearts of people and left behind a legacy and a conversation that still is relevant and is being discussed.
Starring: Aamir Khan, Kajol, Aahana Kumra, Priyamani, Prakash Raj, Riddhi Kumar, Kamal Sadanah Directed by: Revathi
In Theatres:Dec 09, 2022 Genre: Drama
Duration: 137 min
Notes:Hindi with English Subtitles
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