Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video is a gripping social thriller that tries to solve the mystery behind the disappearance of Sajini [Radhika Madan], a young physics teacher with dreams aplenty. A relentless Bela [Nimrat Kaur], a seasoned and highly skilled crime branch investigator, takes up the case to find out if Sajini went missing on her own or is someone behind it? The suspects are many but none as black and white as Bela would have liked. As Bela races against time to unearth the truth, where everyone is a suspect behind her disappearance, or possibly her murder, Sajini Shinde Ka Viral Video questions what is it that Sajini did and why was running away her only option?
In Theatres:Oct 27, 2023 Genre: Thriller
Duration: 116 min
Notes:Hindi with English Subtitles
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