
POMS is an uplifting comedy about Martha (played by Diane Keaton), a woman who moves into a retirement community and starts a cheerleading squad with her fellow residents, Sheryl (Jacki Weaver), Olive (Pam Grier) and Alice (Rhea Perlman), proving that it's never too late to follow your dreams.

Starring: Diane Keaton, Pam Grier, Charlie Tahan, Jacki Weaver, Rhea Perlman
Directed by: Zara Hayes

In Theatres:May 10, 2019
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 90 min

Consumer Advice:(BC) Coarse and sexual language. (SK) Coarse and sexual language. (MB) Coarse and sexual language. (ON) Mature theme, language may offend.

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